Civ. VI Babylon Tech Guide
I've played shockingly little of Civ. VI for someone's who's made a guide for it, but one thing I love about the game is the Eureka system.For those not in the know, the Eureka system enhances the Tech Tree (and brand new Civic Tree) by instantly giving you 50% of the progress towards researching it if you satisfy some condition. I loved this. Sometimes, Civ can become a pretty difficult game to know what to aim for in the short term, especially early game. This system naturally gives you a series of incentives to carry out certain objectives which you're rewarded for completing, brilliant!
And, of course, since I loved this system, how could I not love Babylon? Enuma Anu Enlil - Babylon's unique ability - lets you instantly unlock technologies you satisfy the Eureka for, but otherwise halves your science output. This puts huge emphasis on satisfying these Eureka conditions, but the whole system can be a lot to keep in your head at once.
Introducing, this spreadsheet! This spreadsheet breaks down which technologies lead to which Eurekas, which helps immensely when planning how to progress as Babylon.
This makes several facts that aren't immediately obvious plain as day, such as:
- Pottery is useless for discovering new technology, granaries aren't involved in any tech Eurekas
- Mining is an absolutely essential Ancient Technology, quarries and mines are necessary for Masonry, The Wheel and Apprenticeship (a Medieval Era technology!)
- Certain units, such as the slinger, spearman and knight, are important to get a kill with before you can no longer make them
- The game just straight up lies to you about Replaceable Parts, its Eureka is to have 3 Line Infantry, not Musketmen. They straight up changed this and never bothered to update the Eureka text.

Give it a go and elevate your Babylon gameplay to the next level!