Morbus Sanctum - A Humorism TRPG

Morbus Sanctum is a TRPG which involves building your character by balancing their humors. It was originally designed for a specific campaign set in a setting similar to Pathologic, though is pretty setting agnostic.

The rulebook is available here, (and a character sheet here) but unfortunately I wrote the handbook in the days where I still thought trpg systems needed pages upon pages of skills, spells and so on - intricately balanced and designed to play off of one another. I tried (and managed) to do the former, and tried (and failed) to do the latter, and this resulted in a hugely bloated rulebook full of skills that I probably would've been better off asking my players to come up with themselves after setting some ground rules for how powerful a skill with a given requirement should be.

That said, there's still several things I like about this system. While the system as a whole is bloated, I think several subsystems could be fun to pick up and reuse in later systems or campaigns. The armour system, of all things, is an elegant way of making dodging and blocking engaging but separate mechanics with their own risks and rewards. So, while I doubt I'll be running a campaign in this system again, not all is lost.